Inclusivity in the workplace is among one of the top requirements for candidates seeking employment in 2022. In today’s age having a diverse work environment is not enough to create a positive workplace. Diversity and inclusion go hand in hand to create a workplace where employees feel connected, where employees coming from different age groups, ethnicities, religions, cultures, or sexual orientations feel a sense of belonging and a safe work environment where they are respected, and their ideas encouraged to be implemented.
Although the Australian workforce is by far one of the most diverse workforces in the world, incidents of bullying and discrimination in the workplace are an ongoing challenge in today’s multicultural work environment.
Experiencing discrimination could also lead to the employee feeling disengaged and demotivated to produce effective work which in turn can have adverse effects on an organisation.

The good news is that we now know that Inclusive work environments lead to higher performance metrics when compared to a work environment where there is no active portion of inclusivity.
Here are 4 ways you can make your workplace more inclusive
1. Evaluate your workplace diversity
Diversity and inclusivity are two sides of the same coin. Evaluating workplace diversity by the administration as well as human resource of an organisaton through auditing the current diversity, would be the start of acknowledging and addressing the problem. If indeed your oganisation has identified such a problem, it could be addressed with various useful programs, methods, and procedures.
2. Create inclusive policies and practices
Creating anti-discrimination policies is one such effective way organistions can provide equal opportunities in areas of recruitment and pay. Such inclusive policies showcase an organisations active participation in providing and maintaining an inclusive and equal opportunity work environment, where employees feel wanted and have a sense of individuality.

3. Conduct Inclusivity training
Inclusivity training are a key necessity in addressing unconscious bias in the workplace. This training help identify and makes individuals aware of their own unconscious biases. Thereby helping disregard unconscious bias when it comes to important decision-making processes in an organisation, such as a promotion, pay rise, salary negotiations, and recruitment.
4. Listen to your employees & Celebrate Individuality in the workplace
Listening to and acknowledging the positive ideas of employees during a decision-making process could serve as powerful catalysts in individual growth which would result in the employee meeting his or her full potential within that organisation.